Program for booking tables and book of reserves for hostesses

Online booking, deposits, statistics, guest database, banquets. It is configured in 15 minutes, works in a cloud storage. The cost is from 0 USD per month
START FOR FREE 14 days free for testing PRO+
Application of the book of reserves for hostesses: Google Play App Store
Схема зала ресторана
Книга резервов для хостес Reservation Book for Hostess Hall plan
15 028
User registrations
> 615
Restaurants use
40 590
Reserves every day

Free program for restaurants and cafes

Digitize the guest database, analyze the loading of the institution

Бронирование банкетов
Reservation Book
for Hostess
Афиша на телефоне
Table booking
Фото ресторана при бронировании
for booking
Бронирование банкетов
Guest database
Афиша на телефоне
mailing to guests
Фото ресторана при бронировании
Google, FB, Ins

Booking program for your business

Who can use Restoplace:
  • Book of reserves
  • Online Armor Reception
  • Deposits for booking
  • Application for hostesses
  • Book of reserves
  • Online Armor Reception
  • SMS notifications for guests
  • Statistics
  • Book of reserves
  • Hourly booking
  • Deposits per hour
  • Deposit per number of guests
Hookah bars
  • Book of reserves
  • Hourly booking
  • Deposits per hour
  • Deposit per number of guests
  • Book of reserves
  • Online Armor Reception
  • Deposits for different times
  • Statistics
Recreation centers
  • Online Armor Reception
  • Daily booking
  • Deposits per hour
  • Deposit per number of guests
  • Online Armor Reception
  • Hourly booking
  • Deposits per hour
  • Deposit per number of guests
Computer clubs
  • Online Armor Reception
  • Hourly booking
  • Deposits per hour
  • Deposit per number of guests
Billiard rooms
  • Online Armor Reception
  • Hourly booking
  • Deposits per hour
  • Deposit per number of guests
  • Online Armor Reception
  • Hourly booking
  • Deposits per hour
  • Deposit per number of guests
  • Online Armor Reception
  • Daily booking
  • Deposits per hour
  • Deposit per number of guests
Baths and saunas
  • Online employment
  • Hourly booking
  • Deposits per hour
  • Deposit per number of guests
> 615
Restaurants have already chosen Restoplace

Restoplace software application for restaurant and café

Restoplace software application for restaurant and café. Restoplace is an online software application (program) that makes it easy to manage accommodation of guests in restaurants and cafes using the hostess app. Our service contains the main functionality - deposits connection for table booking, guest SMS reminder about the reserved table, group booking, detailed statistics on the workload of the establishment with all guest requests. Hostess can transfer guests between tables, book several tables at once for a one guest, book banquet halls, extend and shift the time for booking via our Restoplace service.

Online table booking

Let's imagine that you want to meet friends and you need to book a table in a favorite cafe of your city. You have chosen a restaurant and visit its page or profile on Instagram, Vkontakte or on website and see immediately the availability of free tables, which you can book online if you wish right now. This is very convenient, right? And we are talking about booking, not just a reservation request without a callback guarantee. We want to tell you exactly about such a table reservation service.

Restaurant automation – a hostess control

The table reservation service was created to automate the work of hostesses in a restaurant. Our service is simple and convenient to use, also it works on all devices: a computer, a smartphone and a tablet. Follow the work of hostesses anywhere in the world. You can supervise the hostess work from any place in the world.

Restoplace application allows guests to reserve tables for any free time easy. Click the button "Book a table" to do this. Create a user with the rights of "hostess" and transfer the username and password to your employee. You can do your work in a real time mode.

The program collects statistics of the institution's workload by the hour, day of the week and month. There is also statistics on the attendance of guests: names, phone numbers and emails, date of the last visit and their total number. You can provide bonuses and rewards to the frequent visitors by analyzing the data and remind guests about yourself, who doesn't visit you for a long time.

Table reservation

Restoplace is a free table reservation service for restaurants and cafes. Free, because we have the "Free" tariff and this is not a demo version of the service, but a full value book of table reserves, which allows you to manage the placement of guests in a cafe with the same functionality as in a paid version. We have created the Restoplace service, which works on smartphones and tablets, ant it is very convenient because there is no need to buy the additional equipment.
Столики в виджете бронирования

The book of reserves for hostesses in the phone and on the tablet

Add employees with the rights of "Hostesses" to Restoplace and install the application for them. You can work with phone, tablet and PC
Приложение для бронирования столов
Download the application forхостhostesses and manager on your smartphone or tablet
Приложение для бронирования столов

Hourly booking
per number of guests

Customize your booking conditions, time step, dependence on the number of people and much more
Виджет бронирования на телефоне

Online deposits for every taste

Deposits per person, per hour, different deposits for different times of the day and days of the week
Виджет бронирования на телефоне

notifications via SMS

Guest SMS reminder about a booked table and anti-spam protection via SMS number verification
Виджет бронирования на телефоне

Digitize your guest database using the Restoplace reservation service

Sources of booking, average time of a guest waiting, average visit time, guest's non-attendance rate, number of guest bookings, guest statuses
Виджет бронирования на телефоне

Try the free book of reserves

A few simple steps to get started. It's very simple

How to start keeping guest records in Restoplace

01 Register on our website
Fill in the basic fields required for registration. Your contacts can help us solve your questions and wishes faster
02 Create a reserve book
Create a book of reserves for your institution. If necessary, set up the acceptance of deposits, SMS notifications of guests or other booking conditions
03 Give your employees access to Restoplace
Create employees with "Hostess" rights in your personal account so that they can perform only the required tasks, and you can see their indicators.
04 Download the app and keep track of guests
Download the iOS or Android apps to the devices your employees will work with. Everything is ready to get started
An excellent service, we automated the work of the hostesses and booking tables in our restaurant using the Restoplace application. A very convenient program for a restaurant

Hostess and manager reviews about our service



Now it is much easier to look for free tables in the cafe during the rush hours. There is no need to look into the hall using the tablet with the Restoplace application
I can not imagine how to work without the Restoplace application now. I forgot about the paper reserve book, everything is clear and simple. It is convenient to work together during our shift
Service for restaurant and café
Restaurant and cafe automation
Table reservation service

Tariff plans of Restoplace

In case of 1 year payment
All from the Mini version, plus:
56 USD / month
Free and forever
In case of 1 year payment
All from the PRO version, plus:
67 USD / month
All from the Free version, plus:
78 USD / month
64 USD / month
In case of 1 year payment
26 USD / month
29 USD / month
Reserve book
Widget on site, Instagram, Vkontakte, Facebook
SMS notifications
Android app, iOS
Call Reservation
Online booking via widget for guests
Guest base
Banquet halls
iiko synchronization
Disabling the Restoplace Label
AmoCRM synchronization
Analytics Services
Bitrix24 synchronization
All from the Free version, plus:
In case of 1 year payment
26 USD / month
29 USD / month
Online booking via widget for guests
Analytics Services
In case of 1 year payment
All from the Mini version, plus:
56 USD / month
64 USD / month
Guest base
Banquet halls
In case of 1 year payment
All from the PRO version, plus:
67 USD / month
78 USD / month
iiko synchronization
Disabling the Restoplace Label
AmoCRM synchronization
Bitrix24 synchronization
Do you want this type of booking widget for your website and Facebook?
Do you want this widget for your site?