Restoplace features
Analytics and statistics

Detailed statistics of your restaurant in manager’s personal account

Evaluate the work of your employees, analyze the attendance data of the institution by hours, days, months. Digitize your customer base


Guests database

Hostess control

Detailed information about the current attendance of the cafe
Track hostesses data, vacant tables, reaction time to a new request
Download by status the guests database of your institution for the entire period of work
Table reservation statistics

Reservation sources

Track the most active booking sources. Restoplace app will show you statistics
Attendance of the restaurant


Analyze the dynamics of attendance growth of your cafe.
See the cafe workload data by days of the week and by hours
History of armor in a restaurant

New reservations and re-booking

You can see the number of new reservation requests and the number of re-bookings - those who have already visited your cafe and come again
Hostesses ' response to the request

Reaction to a new request

Check the hostess reaction time on a new request to prevent the loss of new guests

Vacant tables

Track the average time that hostess spends waiting for the guests. If the waiting time is too long, most likely you have vacant tables
Simple tables
The base guests of the restaurant

Guests database by their status

Download the database of your "unmotivated" or "lost" guests for promotions. Or encourage "regular" and "active" guests

Read more here
Fraudsters in a restaurant

Black list of guests

You can add a guest number to the blacklist, after which this number will not be able to make reservations / bookings.

You can also do:
check guest number via SMS